Keytree KIT
“from the beginning he was easy to communicate with, fit in with our team well“
iOs to Android
Keytree helps clients with providing great solutions. One of their products is KIT, which is a modular retail application. It can be tailored to the clients’ needs to help them with viewing stock levels, managing customer profiles, and allowing the Store Associate to communicate with customers across SMS, email and social channels, all in-app.
This app was designed and developed for iOs. Keytree decided to make it available on Android, and I was asked to design the user experience for the new platform..
– The application is very complex, but it was never properly mapped out, making it rather difficult to understand. Therefore, I firstly had to map out all the journeys to have a clear picture of all features and functionality
– The original app was designed for iOs, using iOs design patterns. The new app had to follow android material design patterns, which was a challenge on some of the screens / journeys
– The app is based on SAP systems, which also gave us additional requirements for the design
I started with mapping out all journeys. It wasn’t an easy task as there are several different variants of the application. I took screenshots and created the journey maps in Sketch. I also linked them up with InVison to create a clickable version of the journey maps.
I started going through the journeys and screens and suggested changes to ensure that android users would get a proper android journey.
The ideas were described via wire frames and journey maps and were discussed with stake holders and the development team. We iterated on the ideas in a collaborative way to get to the final designs. Thus, we made sure that the designs covered all features and could be delivered on time.
Sketch app for wireframes, user journeys and documentation, InVision for sharing files and clickable prototypes and journey maps. We also used Jira and confluence for documentation +Agile Methodology.

Feedback from Keytree:

SAP / Web Technology Consultant
It was a pleasure to work with Robert – from the beginning he was easy to communicate with, fit in with our team well and was pro active and took constructive feedback positively. I could trust him to work remotely and independently, he asked for support when needed and always delivered high quality work. The only down side was that his contract with us was so short!